FOR THE IPHONE GENERATION; the appealing disconnect of the desert lifestyle is pretty damn charming. So we heard of this new festival, RISE; that was all about – well, just that. But perhaps instead of focusing on the meaning of life; or our inner thoughts we may or may not have been snapping photos for the gram or indulging in the pre-purchased meals. However; the actual lantern release was one of those incredibly stunning visuals; a fixture permanently in your mental network. At the time, I couldn’t make it to Thailand for their annual Lantern Festival so I figured this would do! It’s better than spending a weekend in Vegas, anyway (where we flew into). A short bus ride organized by the festival; and you’ll arrive in the center of the Mojave – SoCal’s very own ‘high desert’. Aside from the post apocalyptic struggle-of-life aftermath of trying to find yourself (and your soul simultaneously) a seat on a shuttle going back to civilization; I’d consider it a success. Would I go back again? Hell yes. Should you? Definitely!




The event space is organized in an outward going circular motion – with rings closer to the center stage being the priciest. We went middle ground; and next time would definitely pick the outward most circles. You want to be the closest to the exit once its over; trust. 


Goals. Write them down. Let them rise. 





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